The Total Online Office
All in One Place - Accessible from Everywhere
VybeTask is designed for organizations of any size to manage all of its jobs online efficiently and seamlessly collaborate without local software installations. Some of the key features include:
- Create and track jobs for clients, suppliers and internal use
- Keep all notes, documents, and discussions about a job in one sequentially organized online file
- Keep copies of all documents attached to the job in one easy to find location
- Keep all interested parties in the loop
- Keep track of all outstanding jobs
- Assign jobs to individuals and pass along jobs when one task is done
- People can set-up and manage their priorities and timelines in real time
- Create multiple jobs for complex issues, job priorities, and timelines instantly
- Emails can be sent directly into the VybeTask queue either by creating a new job or responding to an existing one
- Gantt charts are created instantly when start and due dates are used
- Track time against a case for billing or to track effectiveness
- Create groupings of cases for meetings and tracking purposes
Technical / Administrative Features:
- VybeTask is 100% coded in-house
- We don’t rely on any outside application sources and we own the code 100% - No limit on the number of jobs, participants or data
- Web-based so it is accessible wherever you have Internet access
- Administrator has the ability to add and delete users instantly
- Access restrictions can easily be applied to users by projects and categories
- Easy to set up
- Each user gets their own job work list
- Create detailed notes on each job
- Customize VybeTask with your logo
- Data is constantly backed up on our own servers in a state-of-the art server farm
Some of VybeTask benefits for your organization:
- Immediate understanding of outstanding work issues to better manage staff priorities
- Track outstanding issues instantly and manage client expectations
- Ensure all information on a job is in one spot shareable by everyone
- Web-based so it is accessible wherever you have Internet access
- Online searchable manual
In conjunction with VybeBooks, clients that use VybeBooks can assign cases directly to clients for billing purposes.
For more information, please contact 416-425-1212 x 210 or email sales@vybenetworks.com